June 2009

Want REAL Health? Real FOOD is the key!

by Charles on June 24, 2009

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What is REAL FOOD? Let’s begin with an understanding of what we mean when we say “real food.” For our definition I am borrowing from CHEESESLAVE on her page, here.


“Real food is whole, natural, and nutrient-dense.
* Organic
* Humanely raised (animals on pasture, not in factories)
* Grown locally when possible
* Whole and unrefined (real maple syrup instead of high-fructose corn syrup)
* Processed as little as possible (raw milk instead of pasteurized and homogenized)
* Nutrient-dense (enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics)
* Free of additives and preservatives
* Free of synthetic and chemical ingredients
* Not genetically modified
* Traditionally produced and prepared

In other words, butter or lard instead of shortening or vegetable oil. Real milk from a cow instead of soy milk. Real sprouted flour (ground fresh or purchased) instead of refined white flour. Real, natural sweeteners like honey or unrefined cane sugar (rapadura or sucanat) instead of white sugar.

If it’s highly processed and/or doesn’t come from nature, it’s not real food!”

OK now that we have an understanding of real food:



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Once upon a time dietary fat was healthy and good people everywhere ate the good foods that nature provided and they loved. Then, government dictocrats labeled it unhealthy and an obesity epidemic ensued. But now…

Homemade creme-fraiche from thedailyspecial.wordpress.com Creative Commons 3.0…it is healthy again and there is a ton of science from all over the world to back it up! It’s time to start ENJOYING HEALTHY FAT AGAIN! If you have been waiting for good news about dietary fat you need wait no longer. Ode Magazine has published in the June/July 2009 issue the ultimate article, well researched, detailed and highly readeable packed with good news for those of you who love your fat! Of course if you know anything about Weston Price then this will be old news to you; but what’s exciting about this article is that it shows how the tide of opinion, both popular and scientific, has turned dramatically in favor of dietary fat.

It is packed with quotable, memorable lines. Here is a sampling:

–“Regularly described as the nutritional equivalent of cigarettes, fat has been the target of public-service campaigns and municipal bans aimed at keeping us slender and healthy. But a growing body of international research suggests our obsessive fear of fat may be misplaced. A high-fat diet won’t necessarily make us sick or fat; a low-fat diet may not make us healthy or slim.


Child Abuse? Or Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets?

by Charles on June 13, 2009

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The true story on this page is courtesy of the Vitamin D Council. “By the streams of Babylon we sat down and wept when we remembered Zion.” (Psalms 137:1) Dr. Cannell: I am writing to ask your help…


…because I think my problem has something to do with Vitamin D. Six months ago, Marissa, who is now one-year-old, developed a painless bump on her arm. I watch her closely; I know she did not fall; she was only six months at the time. In the emergency room they found a broken bone in her arm and then x-rayed her entire body and found two more broken bones, but these other two places were not swollen and Marissa did not cry when the doctor pushed on the area.

Well, a child abuse expert was called in and we were accused of abuse and they took our baby away, saying we had beaten her. I can’t forget Marissa screaming when they tore her out of my arms. We were shocked. We could never do such a thing. Even though they could not find any evidence of abuse except these broken bones, the DA tells me if I don’t plead guilty and testify against my husband and say he did it, I will be prosecuted as well and never see my baby again. Our lawyer says I can be forced to testify against my husband in child abuse but he would never hurt Marissa. I don’t know what to do. My husband is ready to plead guilty to save our baby from foster care but I don’t think I can let him do that.

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Make your own Whipped Cream at home, without the guilt (or the chemicals). Fresh, Organic, Raw, and REAL. I am proud to introduce my darling wife in a new occasional Friday feature — Cooking with Joy!

Europe_2008_(2)_890Lorraine Joy, that is. . A wonderful cook, a talented improviser in the kitchen and a devoted follower of truly healthy eating, Lorraine has come up with a great collection of tasty recipes that I devour without putting on a pound. Real food is like that. It doesn’t make you fat the way fake food does. Real food tends to normalize your weight; if you are too heavy, you drop a few pounds. Too skinny, you gain a few. And you can always feel good about what you are eating because you know it is nourishing your body. Truly guilt free. And with that, take it away Lorraine:


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The popularity of alternative/natural healing modalities is at an all-time high. The freedom to pursue those approaches is under constant  and unrelenting assault. Why is this? How did we get to where we are today?

800px-liberty-statue-from-belowIf your child has cancer, do you have the freedom to seek the treatment of YOUR choice?  Answer: NO.  The recent headlines attest to this as an international manhunt pursued a mother trying to get natural cancer therapies for her teenage son. Call it Manhunt Medicine. Did you ever ask yourself why the “authorities” deemed the situation so dire that an international manhunt — usually reserved for the most dangerous criminals — was undertaken? Or how about this: have you asked yourself why raw milk is illegal in most states when it has been repeatedly proven to be  far safer and more nutritious than the dead pasteurized version from cows fed an unnatural diet and penned up unnaturally their whole lives, given drugs, hormones and antibiotics all in the name of   increased milk production? Or, perhaps you wondered why the medical “authorities” have  hounded Chiropractic doctors for the past century; or why traditional allopathic physicians turn their collective noses down at alternative physicians; or wondered why so many pharmaceutical commercials are on TV; or why drug manufacturers may legally claim their drugs treat disease (by which is usually meant they manage the symptoms as opposed to any actual curing) but supplement manufacturers can make no such claim. Land of the free? A friend reminded me the other day of a true story about some visitors from the USSR who were surprised you couldn’t buy raw milk in the so called “land of the free.” (They always drank raw milk back in Russia).

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