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Mark McAfee, who runs Organic Pastures Raw Milk Dairy, perhaps the cleanest and safest food source in the United States, draws some intriguing distinctions between what the FAA does for air safey and what he FDA fails to do in food and medication safety.  From a recent speech posted at and with thanks to Hartke Is Online.

Mark says: “The FAA does not believe in covering up the sounds of grinding and breaking noises with better sound attenuating headsets or simply ignoring the danger and its foretelling sounds and ominous signs… the FAA mandates that the origin of the problems be discovered and fixed prior to flying into the wild blue yonder….avoiding all accidents however small. The FAA dissects every incident to learn from it and immediately publishes the information and changes policy to avoid and prevent any further incidents or accidents.”

That’s the FAA and air safety. Then there’s the FDA and food/medication safety. Mark goes on: “Most FDA approved medications cover up the sounds of our bodies painfully grinding and breaking and are mostly patented sign and symptom relievers not preventative healing cures. Celebrex and Fosomax killed thousands as have many other FDA approved drugs and additives. FDA approved pediatric cold remedies now carry a black box warning because they have been shown to cause death and brain bleeds in kids. When all the child needed to do was drink raw milk to avoid most flues and colds by building a very strong immune system. “


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Lack of sleep, lack of real food, excess alcohol, drugs, and sugar, cigarettes — they all take their toll.

40 is the new 23 for the fast living

The story of what this is doing to a certain celebrity is one of the Top 10 blog posts for 2009 in a blog from Orange County Register. The adjacent photo is of a 23 year old fast-living, hard-partying celebrity who, according to a plastic surgeon quoted in the story, “…is basically killing her skin on all fronts.”

Most people do not abuse themselves quite this severely; but most people DO abuse themselves in a more subtle and socially acceptable manner over a long period of time when they live on the Standard American Diet of processed, nutrient-depleted calories. This causes them to age at what we might call Standard American Aging Rate which everybody accepts as “normal.” It need not be so; we CAN stay younger, longer. Our bodies require real nutrients to stay young. Want to know more about how to find unprocessed tasty foods with real nutrients? Start with How To Choose Real Foods.

While our mystery celebrity presumably stays far away from real food she  has not neglected her lips having had had injections to plump them which, according to the  OC Register, when combined with the sunglasses,  “makes her look like an aging Faye Dunaway.”


Holiday Depression and Nutrient Deficiency

by Charles on December 16, 2009

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i2christmas_treeChristmas is the time of the year when we are most likely to experience depression. Christmas also has the highest level of suicides on the calendar. The psychological aspects of seasonal depression are well known. But does it have to be this way? What role does nutrient depletion play in increasing ones susceptibility to depression at this time or at any time of year? 398_3_DBS-depression-side300

There are two important things to make note of here; 1. Lack of  either a single nutrient — or several — can lead to depression. Hence, proper diet and supplementation can help to guard against depression at any time of year and at Christmas can presumably help moderate seasonal depression for those so affected; i.e. one may experience Christmas depression but not as severely. 2. The Christmas holidays are a time of consuming too much sugar and alcohol — both of which are known to deplete the body of key nutrients, hence either setting off or worsening depression. In other words, what you eat can mean the difference between no depression and major depression — depending on your particular situation.


Year In Review: Our Top 5 Posts of 2009!

by Charles on December 16, 2009

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It has been a GREAT first year here at Campaign for Real Health! We want to celebrate our success by festa-6227presenting our top five most read posts. Provocative, informative and fact-filled, there is something for everyone interested in learning about and achieving real health. We hope YOU have had a wonderful 2009 and that the blessings of health and wellness will be yours in 2010!

1. Fat 3.0: Healthy, Nutritious and Oh-So Satisfying! Once upon a time dietary fat was healthy and good people everywhere ate the good foods that nature provided and they loved. Then, government dictocrats labeled it unhealthy and an obesity epidemic ensued. But now …it is healthy again and there is a ton of science from all over the world to back it up! It’s time to start ENJOYING HEALTHY FAT AGAIN! If you have been waiting for good news about dietary fat you need wait no longer. Ode Magazine has published in the June/July 2009 issue the ultimate article, well researched, detailed and highly readeable packed with good news for those of you who love your fat! Of course if you know anything about Weston Price then this will be old news to you; but what’s exciting about this article is that it shows how the tide of opinion, both popular and scientific, has turned dramatically in favor of dietary fat. READ THE REST OF THIS POST!


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Everyone “knows” Vitamin C can prevent or cure colds and other illness. However, very few people have an informed strategy for using Vitamin C effectively. Our post today is a brief yet detailed overview of using ascorbic therapeutically.

(OMNS, December 15, 2009)* What is it about a little left-handed molecule of six carbons, six oxygens, and eight hydrogens that ticks off so many in the medical community? VitaminC

Maybe it’s cases like this one: Ray, a health professional I know, had an 11-month old son who was very sick for over a week. No one, and I mean no one, in their family had had any sleep in a long time. They were up night after night with this child, who had a high fever, glazed watery eyes, tons of thick watery mucus and labored breathing. The child would not sleep, and did little else but cry. The baby was under the care of a pediatrician, who, in the infant’s eleven months on earth, had already prescribed twelve rounds of some very serious antibiotics. That they clearly were not working was all too apparent to Ray, who out of desperation decided to try something he previously had been taught to not try: bowel tolerance quantities of oral ascorbate. Ray and his wife gave their baby vitamin C about every 15 minutes. As a result, the baby was noticeably improved in a matter of hours, and slept through the night. With frequent doses continuing, the child was completely well in less than 48 hours. Ray calculated that the child had received just over 2,000 mg vitamin C per kilogram body weight per day. This is even more than what vitamin C expert Dr. Frederick Robert Klenner customarily ordered for sick patients. Remarkably, at 20,000 milligrams of vitamin C/day, that baby never had bowel-tolerance loose stools. (1)


Don’t Eat These 7 Foods Say the Safety Experts

by Charles on December 15, 2009

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You walk in your supermarket and everything looks clean, appetizing, and of course “fresh.” It seems everything is sold on the basis of “fresh” these days. But aside from the obvious, that term is rather meaningless. “Yes I’d like a pound of your freshest rat poison Hors’ Dourves, plesase.” Seriously, unless you are constantly educating yourself, what do you really know about what you are eating half the time? To give you a head start on this subject, we found a list of foods to stay away from. farmedsalmon

The list includes:

1. Canned Tomatoes;
2. Corn Fed Beef;
3. Microwave Popcorn;
4. Non-organic potatoes;
5. Farmed Salmon;
6. Milk produced with artificial hormones;
7. Non-organic apples.


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Weight loss: it may not be isn’t just caloric restriction that reduces weight. It’s the ratio of the macronutrients – carbs, proteins and fats — to one another. And it’s the latter, fat,  we are concerned with today as a new online experiment tries out the “eat fat to lose fat” theory (based on the book of that title by Mary Enig and Sally Fallon). “The Fat Experiment” is about a 21 year old woman who weighs 296 pounds at 5’8″. Her goal is to lose 40-50% of her current body weight and she will do this on a Weston Price diet consisting of roughly 60 percent fat. Specifically, on her “Principles” page she lists the features of healthy, traditional diets she will be following. Spot-on. I look forward to following her progress. She begins the experiment by posting the following YouTube video. She obviously takes her goal very seriously. We take her at her word and wish her the utmost success. We will follow this and publish updates along the way. In the meantime please become a regular visitor to her blog and offer your support She rocks — let’s let her know we are out here!


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